Vincent Long
Hansa Tonstudio, Berlin
21.08.2014   16.10.2014
Half German-half English Singer/Songwriter Vincent Long is a Berlin based artist, influenced by some of the greats of old (Woodie Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Nick Drake) and the contemporary (Tallest man on earth, Mutual Benefit, Fleet Foxes) in Folk music just as much as by the pop and indie world. He took on Songwriting 3 years ago after having played guitar and classical violin early on im his youth. Lyrical themes and influences vary between everyday observations, narrative stories and an ongoing struggle within, caught between modern parlance, words of his literary influences and american folk nostalgia. In summer 2013 he released his Debut EP Tales with a tail and went on tour in Scandinivia. Since then he has played, close to, every bar in Berlin with his 4 piece stringband, "The Convincers" and his working up material for a full length Album.
The song "Diane" recounts grim depression in the depth of winter and echoes the catholic calender and episodes of Twin Peaks.

The video was shot in the "Meistersaal", once part of the famous Hansa Tonstudio near Potsdammer Platz where, with a view on the Berlin Wall, David Bowie had recorded "Heroes" and U2 had written "Achtung Baby". Earlier, even it had been a ballroom for NS Generals. Today it is a bookable eventspace.

» Vincent Long on Facebook:
» Vincent Long on Bandcamp:
» Event agency of the Meistersaal:
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