September Leaves
Heim Salon, Berlin
23.06.2015   27.08.2015
The leaves whirl and swirl and fall in love in September. The intimate-sounding September Leaves consist of Gerd and Uta, two people living a beautiful relationship with each other and their music in many ways. Their dark-brown but honestly bright eyes not only made them see each other, but also opened up their musical minds: she says to be influenced by 'all music and things, stories and observations', while he used to play in a brass band and a punk band at the same time. The band then naturally incorporates a wide range of impressions and influences, never letting go of them, always trying to move further.

Gerd and Uta not only live in their house, but also use it as a place to organize little events and connect people there. Therefore, the hosts arranged the apartment, called Heim Salon, in such a way that the changes from living room to live room can be easily made. Their bed is turned into a stage, the audience can use the kitchen as a bar et voilà: concerts are given on lazy Sunday afternoons. But that's not all: Heim Salon also serves as a film screening location, among others, illustrating the open minds of September Leaves.

» Website of September Leaves:
» September Leaves on Facebook:

Text by Staf Nys (
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